SML# Document Version 4.1.0
6 Setting up SML# programming environment

6.5 smlsharp command modes

smlsharp has the following execution modes.

interactive mode

When smlsharp is invoked without any parameter, it executes the interactive session.

compile and link mode

When smlsharp is invoked with a single source file as shown below:

$ smlsharp file.sml

it compiles the source file file.sml, links the resulting object file and creates an executable program (with the name a.out by default).

compile mode

When smlsharp is invoked with -c switch as shown below:

$ smlsharp -c file1.sml fileN.sml

it compiles the given files file1.sml fileN.sml into object files file1.o fileN.o.

link mode

When smlsharp is invoked with a single interface files as shown below:

$ smlsharp file.smi

it assumes that file.smi is a top-level interface file, links all the object files corresponding to the interface files referenced from file.smi, and generates an executable file.

SML# also recognizes various command-line switches.

$ smlsharp --help

will print a help message describing available switches.