Chapter 19 Expressions
The syntax for expressions (exp) is hierarchically defined below using infix operator expressions (infix), function application expressions (appexp), atomic expressions (atexp).
expressions (top-level)
exp ::= infix exp : ty exp andalso exp exp orelse exp exp handle match raise exp if exp then exp else exp while exp do exp case exp of match fn match _import string : cfunty importing C function exp : _import cfunty importing C function _sizeof( ty ) size of type _dynamic exp as ty Dynamic type cast _dynamiccase exp of match case branches with dynamic type cast _sqlserver appexp : ty SQL servers _sql pat => sqlfn SQL execution function _sql sql SQL query fragments match ::= pat => exp | match pattern matching -
infix operator expressions
infix ::= appexp infix vid infix -
function application expressions
appexp ::= atexp appexp atexp left associative function applications appexp # { exprow } record field updates -
atomic expressions
atexp ::= scon constants op longVid identifiers {exprow } records (exp,,exp) tuples () () unit value #lab record field selector [exp,,exp] lists () (exp;;exp) sequential execution let declList in exp;;exp end local declarations _sql (sql) SQL query fragments (exp) exprow ::= lab = exp , exprow record fields
The definitions for cfunty is given in Section 19.21 and those for sql and sqlfn are given in Chapter 22.
The above hierarchical definition for expressions represents associatibity among expression constructors. The associatibity of infix operator expressions infix are determined not by syntax but by the infix operator declarations. In the following sections, we first define in the next (19.1) elaboration rules of infix expressions. In the following sections, we define each of expression constructors and their types in the order of associatibity.