19.24 Dynamic type cast expression _dynamic exp as ty
This expression performs dynamic type cast of dynamically-typed value exp to ty. The type of exp must be Dynamic.dyn for some . The type of this expression is ty.
To evaluate this expression, exp is evaluated and the dynamically-typed value is obtained. The value of this expression depends on the structure of and ty. The rule of dynamic type cast is the following:
When ty is Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn, the value of this expression is .
When ty is Dynamic.dyn for some , if has a view of (a substructure of can be extracted as a value of ), the value of this expression is . Otherwise, the Dynamic.RuntimeTypeError excepstion is raised.
When ty does not include Dynamic.dyn, the type of is identical to ty, the value of this expression is the value obtained by type-casting to ty. Otherwise, the Dynamic.RuntimeTypeError excepstion is raised.
When ty includes Dynamic.dyn as its substructure, the above rules are applied recursively on the structure of and ty.
For example, suppose the following list of records:
val r = Dynamic.dynamic [{name = "Joe", age = 21}, {name = "Sue", age = 31}];
The following casts are correct:
_dynamic r as {name:string, age:int} list;
_dynamic r as {name:Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn, age:int} list;
_dynamic r as Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn;
_dynamic r as Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn list;
_dynamic r as {name:string, age:int} Dynamic.dyn list;
_dynamic r as {name:string} Dynamic.dyn list;
_dynamic r as {name:string, age:int} list Dynamic.dyn;
_dynamic r as {age:int} list Dynamic.dyn;
Note that is not always a data structure that is typable in ML. For example, suppose the following heterogeneous list:
val l = Dynamic.fromJson
"[{\"name\":\"Joe\", \"age\":21},\
\{\"name\":\"Sue\", \"grade\":2.0},\
\{\"name\":\"Robert\", \"nickname\":\"Bob\"}]";
The following casts are correct:
_dynamic l as Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn;
_dynamic l as Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn list;
_dynamic l as {name:string} Dynamic.dyn list;
_dynamic l as {name:string} list Dynamic.dyn;
_dynamic l as {name:Dynamic.void Dynamic.dyn} Dynamic.dyn list;
To use this expression in the separate compilation mode, "reify.smi" must be _required.