SML# Document Version 3.7.1
5 Installing SML#

5.5 CentOS

Private repositories of SML# are provided for CentOS 7 and CentOS 8. Add one of these repositoriers to your system, and you can install and update SML# by yum or dnf command.

Do the following commmands to set up the SML# compiler.

  • CentOS 8:

    rpm -i
    dnf install smlsharp smlsharp-smlformat smlsharp-smllex smlsharp-smlyacc

  • CentOS 7:

    yum install epel-release
    rpm -i
    yum install smlsharp smlsharp-smlformat smlsharp-smllex smlsharp-smlyacc

The commands are similar to those for Fedora except for the following points.

  • On CentOS 7, the epel-release package must be installed prior to installing SML#.

See Section 5.4 for details of other commands.