SML# Document Version 3.7.1
5 Installing SML#

5.2 Debian GNU/Linux

Private repositories of SML# are provided for the latest stable version (when SML# is released) of Debian GNU/Linux and Debian sid. Add one of these repositories to your system, and you can install and update SML# by apt command.

Do the following commmands to set up the SML# compiler.

  • Debian sid:

    wget -P /usr/share/keyrings
    wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d
    apt update
    apt install smlsharp

  • Debian 10 (buster):

    wget -P /usr/share/keyrings
    wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d
    apt update
    apt install smlsharp

We show some more details of installation below (for sid).

  1. 1.

    Download the public key of the SML# development team and put it to the specified position in the system.

    wget -P /usr/share/keyrings

    You can check the fingerprint of the key by the following command:

    gpg --with-fingerprint /usr/share/keyrings/smlsharp-archive-keyring.gpg

    Confirm that the fingerprint of the downloaded key is identical to the above fingerprint (those who would like to verify the public key strictly should meet a developer of the SML# compiler and receive the fingerprint of the key). The fingerprint of the key is the following:

    DD99 2B50 C9A3 B075 DA04 613A D299 F71F C5C1 D12E

  2. 2.

    Download the description file of the private repository and add it to the system.

    wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d

  3. 3.

    Obtain the package list from the repository.

    apt update

  4. 4.

    Install the SML# compiler. Prerequisite libraries, such as LLVM and MassiveThreads, are installed if needed. SML# tools, such as SMLFormat, are also installed as recommended packages.

    apt install smlsharp