3.3 SML# Development Team and Contact Information
At present (2021-03-15), SML# is being developed by
Atsushi Ohori(RIEC, Tohoku University)
Katsuhiro Ueno (RIEC, Tohoku University)
with help of graduate students.
The past SML# development team members include (with the affiliation at the time of development):
Atsushi Ohori (School of Information Science, JAIST; RIEC, Tohoku University)
Kiyoshi Yamatodani (Sanpukoubou Inc)
Nguyen Huu Duc (School of Information Science, JAIST; RIEC, Tohoku University)
Liu Bochao (School of Information Science, JAIST; RIEC, Tohoku University)
Satoshi Osaka (School of Information Science, JAIST)
Katsuhiro Ueno (School of Information Science, JAIST; RIEC, Tohoku University)
Contact information regarding SML#:
SML# home page: https://smlsharp.github.io/
SML# twitter account: @smlsharp
We tweet the latest information about SML# on this account.
Send your questions, requests, and comments to the development team.