SML# Document Version 3.7.1
23 Declarations of the core language and their interfaces

23.4 Type declaration : typDecl

Type declaration define a name of a type. Its syntax is given below.

typeDecl := type typbind
tybind ::= tyvarSeq tycon = ty (and tybind)?

23.4.1 type specification : typSpec

Interface of type declaration is either type specification or opaque type specification. Syntax of type specification is the same as type declaration. Opaque type specification has the following syntax.

opequeTypeSpec := type (tyvarSeq)? tycon ( = runtimeTypeSpec )
runtimeTypeSpec := tycon  | {}  | *  | ->

If the type is implemented by a record type, tuple type, or function type, runtimeTypeSpec must be {}, *, or ->, respectively. Otherwise, runtimeTypeSpec must be the type constructor that implements the type. runtimeTypeSpec may not be identical to the implmentation type if the runtime representation of runtimeTypeSpec is matched with that of the implementation type. See Chapter 29 for details of the runtime representation.

23.4.2 Examples

The following are examples of type declarations and their interface.

Data.sml file: type ’a set = ’a list
type ’a queue = ’a list * ’a list
type index = int
type id = int
Data.smi file: type ’a set (= list)
type ’a queue (= *)
type index = int
type id (= int)